E.W., multiple myeloma

"Thank you for the help that you and your associates have provided for me. How does one say thank you for helping to restore one’s health, words are inadequate, money is not always a measure of great things done for others, and how does one show heartfelt appreciation. I am not sure that I have the answers to the above questions. But from one human being to another, for all that you have done for me, and will yet do, thank you from my soul (the bottom of my heart), my family thanks you, and the many people that I will affect for good in the future they will thank you. There is nothing more important than to say thank you, thank you, and thank you."


R.R., social entrepreneur and educator

“We feel so lucky to be a client of Tom’s. Our priority in life is maintaining optimal physical and mental health for many decades to come. To do this, we needed a top team of trainers, nutritionists, scientists, and physicians to help form our personal health Board of Directors. Tom is a critical part of our Board and has the unique ability to understand precisely the nutrients and supplements that our body needs based on exhaustive analysis and reanalysis. We have never met someone so gifted in the field.

After we had our initial analysis done and received Tom’s recommendations, we took them to our personal physician who we respect enormously. He had two comments. Number one, he said 'I have patients in intensive care who haven’t been worked up this well!' and he then proceeded to spend almost two hours on the phone with Tom. Then he called to say that not only did he concur completely with Tom’s recommendations, but he had also learned an enormous amount that he could apply to his own practice.

We’re delighted and certain that Tom can have a huge impact on your health.”

Mike Van Arsdale, Mixed Martial Arts Competitor and Coach

“45 is the new 25… only if you go to Tom”